
Project Codebase

The DrupalX distribution builds upon the popular drupal-composer/drupal-project template for Drupal.

Getting Started

Initialize your project using Composer:

composer create-project drupalninja/drupalx-project:10.x-dev drupalx-project --no-interaction

After running this command, review the generated composer.json file to understand the project's organization. All contributed modules and themes are managed through Composer, making them easy to modify.

The custom DrupalX install profile is included directly in the template under the web/profiles/custom/ directory, allowing for straightforward customization. This profile installs various contributed modules without requiring dependencies, so you can uninstall any module as needed.

Quick Install

Our project template comes with DDEV as the default development environment.

  1. Configure DDEV

    Run the DDEV configuration:

    ddev config
  2. Install DrupalX

    Run the custom install command to start DDEV, install Composer dependencies, and install the 'drupalx' profile:

    ddev install

    After the installation, the application will open in a new browser tab.


If you encounter any issues, please file a report on the GitHub project page's issue tracker:

Next Steps

Congratulations on completing the installation of your DrupalX project! Now that your project is set up, it's time to configure and customize it to suit your needs.

Last updated